Are you offering your employees what you expect them to offer your customers?

You cannot give that which you first do not possess.
Research shows that customers stay for quality, customer care, and trust; only one of which is product related. The rest are a direct connection to your team members. If team members do not believe they matter, then they cannot extend the experience of mattering to your customers, students, or community.
Simply put; if you don’t have it…you can’t give it.
The 240 Approach
Designed for impact and tailored to the human experience.
Our proprietary diagnostic quantifies the human experience in teams and organizations. Combined with our experience and discovery process, organizational leaders will be equipped to construct data-informed strategies to improve their team’s human experience.

240-Culture Diagnostic
More than an engagement or satisfaction survey, the diagnostic is an in-depth tool we developed after years of experience to measure belonging, vulnerability, and shared purpose at the individual level. Each are fundamental to other parts of your company's culture.

Taken by leaders at all levels to measure their contributions to the human experience, focusing on key traits: Courage, Shepherd, and Navigator. This data overlays with the diagnostic, creating a "mirror" for leaders to see the impact of their traits and behaviors on the team or company culture.

This final step gathers qualitative data to ensure accurate interpretation of the quantitative data. Discovery involves observation and listening to a sample size of employees’ responses to specific questions during group and individual sessions, or in pairs.
What is the Human Experience?
Comprised of the fundamentals of the human condition: belonging, vulnerability, and shared purpose, the human experience is foundational to an employee's engagement in relationships, which is essential to their fulfillment at work.
Rightly placed and valued in a position.
Transparent to the point of risk.
Shared reason for doing or creating.

How can 240Solutions help you?
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